Simple, flexible, automated systems designed to optimize your tuna fish processing line.
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JBT, for Tuna Processing Lines Done Right
It’s a lot of effort to transform a live fish into a trendy ahi steak or lunch-staple tuna salad. With all the prep work and then cooking and packaging steps — you’re probably also looking at a lengthy and complex process as well.
This needn’t be an insurmountable challenge for you, though. JBT has everything you need for processing tuna. For example, our massive portfolio includes products for:
Precooking and cooling tuna under vacuum
Loin feeding
Can filling and seaming
Fully-automated batch retort systems (ABRS)
Our cutting-edge equipment makes it possible to retain the taste, texture, and appearance of raw and processed tuna. And, it does all that while also locking in freshness and nutrition!
Even better, JBT offers TunaCAL™ — our state-of-the-art yield monitoring and process control system — and consulting services. It’s easy to see how you can design a bespoke solution that enables you to achieve peak performance in your tuna processing plant.
Features & Benefits
JBT’s poultry processing equipment is as packed with features as a can of sardines. With all this functionality, you can count on food processing that’s fast, accurate, and safe.
Efficient — Streamlines processing to lower operating and capital costs
Productive — Superior systems lead to faster processing, better yield, and better product quality
Speed — Multiple filler capacities lets you adjust production rate
Range — Able to handle all tuna species and any style/shape of container (e.g., can, glass, pouch) for maximum adaptability
Economical — Can be used to cost-effectively produce frozen loins
Optimized — TunaCAL™ software perfects heat transfer profile to improve the cooking/cooling cycle
Precision — High filling accuracy results in major cost savings
Sterile — Uniform temperature inside the retort provides efficient, fast, and homogeneous sterilization process
Automated — Controlled process reduces potential for human error and boosts efficiency
Integrated — Compatibility with other equipment and operational system optimizes high-speed, flexible production
Support — Global support staff available 24/7, year round
To contact John Bean Technologies (JBT) about JBT Tuna Processing Line use Get a quote.
JBT, for Tuna Processing Lines Done Right
It’s a lot of effort to transform a live fish into a trendy ahi steak or lunch-staple tuna salad. With all the prep work and then cooking and packaging steps — you’re probably also looking at a lengthy and complex process as well.
This needn’t be an insurmountable challenge for you, though. JBT has everything you need for processing tuna. For example, our massive portfolio includes products for:
Precooking and cooling tuna under vacuum
Loin feeding
Can filling and seaming
Fully-automated batch retort systems (ABRS)
Our cutting-edge equipment makes it possible to retain the taste, texture, and appearance of raw and processed tuna. And, it does all that while also locking in freshness and nutrition!
Even better, JBT offers TunaCAL™ — our state-of-the-art yield monitoring and process control system — and consulting services. It’s easy to see how you can design a bespoke solution that enables you to achieve peak performance in your tuna processing plant.
Features & Benefits
JBT’s poultry processing equipment is as packed with features as a can of sardines. With all this functionality, you can count on food processing that’s fast, accurate, and safe.
Efficient — Streamlines processing to lower operating and capital costs
Productive — Superior systems lead to faster processing, better yield, and better product quality
Speed — Multiple filler capacities lets you adjust production rate
Range — Able to handle all tuna species and any style/shape of container (e.g., can, glass, pouch) for maximum adaptability
Economical — Can be used to cost-effectively produce frozen loins
Optimized — TunaCAL™ software perfects heat transfer profile to improve the cooking/cooling cycle
Precision — High filling accuracy results in major cost savings
Sterile — Uniform temperature inside the retort provides efficient, fast, and homogeneous sterilization process
Automated — Controlled process reduces potential for human error and boosts efficiency
Integrated — Compatibility with other equipment and operational system optimizes high-speed, flexible production
Support — Global support staff available 24/7, year round