Maintenance Job and Work Requests Management Software | MEX Ops
Maintenance Job and Work Requests Management Software | MEX Ops
Maintenance Job and Work Requests Management Software | MEX Ops
Maintenance Job and Work Requests Management Software | MEX Ops
Maintenance Job and Work Requests Management Software | MEX Ops
Give your organisation the greatest chance of a successful maintenance management strategy by using Ops in conjunction with MEX or FleetMEX; to quickly and effectively lodge and manage work requests.
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MEX Ops works in conjunction with your MEX or FleetMEX system and is built around a solid communication model that allows back and forth communication across departments. Any person within your company can easily request maintenance work through any available device that has the ability to connect and use MEX Ops.
The addition of MEX Ops gives your organisation a platform to lodge a maintenance request with ease, respond to requests promptly, manage request efficiently and stay on top of maintenance effectively.
Take MEX Ops on the road with the MEX Ops iOS App:
Upload a photo with the maintenance request
Assign a priority to the request
Submit a request from anywhere at anytime
MEX Ops is sold as a 20 concurrent license package and can be loaded on as many devices as desired.
Contact MEX Today for more information.
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MEX Ops works in conjunction with your MEX or FleetMEX system and is built around a solid communication model that allows back and forth communication across departments. Any person within your company can easily request maintenance work through any available device that has the ability to connect and use MEX Ops.
The addition of MEX Ops gives your organisation a platform to lodge a maintenance request with ease, respond to requests promptly, manage request efficiently and stay on top of maintenance effectively.
Take MEX Ops on the road with the MEX Ops iOS App:
Upload a photo with the maintenance request
Assign a priority to the request
Submit a request from anywhere at anytime
MEX Ops is sold as a 20 concurrent license package and can be loaded on as many devices as desired.