When cooking sous vide it is vital to know the core temperature of your food. Safety is essential, so Sous Vide Australia have created a complete temperature measurement kit to fulfill these requirements.
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Whether you are using high temperature cooking and monitoring core temperature response, or your health officer has ask you to log cooking temperatures for your records, the Sous Vide Australia sous vide temperature kit will meet all of your needs.
SVA Core Temperature Kit Features:
Thermal thermometer
60 mm Sous Vide needle probe
120 mm Sous Vide needle probe
tub of 40 UniWipes
Sous Vide foam/tape – one metre
ABS carrying case
To contact Sous Vide Australia about SVA Core Temperature Kit use Get a quote.
Whether you are using high temperature cooking and monitoring core temperature response, or your health officer has ask you to log cooking temperatures for your records, the Sous Vide Australia sous vide temperature kit will meet all of your needs.