The Markibar Izaga Key Coffee Grinder's isolated grinding chamber, smart ventilation, innovative grinding point control, precision mechanics and high quality materials are designed for coffee shops of high workload and maximum requirement.
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Assured Coffee Quality
Coffee always freshly ground.
Instant delivery of 1 and 2 coffee doses, independently programmable.
Grinding chamber separated from the motor, with intelligent ventilation for a cooler grinding.
Electronically controlled doses.
Ease of Use
High precision grinding point control with bi-directional locking system for regulation without errors.
Automatic 1 or 2 coffee holder detection.
Two operating modes: Pre-ground or Grinding on Demand.
High visibility alphanumeric Oled screen.
New design. High quality materials.
Customisable hopper for your Coffee Brand.
Backlight front panel for advertising.
Ease of Maintenance
A simple and very reliable design.
Convenience and speed of service.
On-line management of your coffee grinder park (optional).
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