Lombard The Paper People - Packaging a Better World

Lombard The Paper People have been at the forefront of Environmentally Friendly Packaging since 1969.

We are proud to be apart of the Australian Packaging Convenant and use Covenant Performance Objectives:

  • Better packaging design
  • Increased reduction, re-use and recycling of used packaging materials

  • Reduced use of non recyclable material

  • Reduced amount of used packaging materials going to landfill

  • Reduced incidence of packaging being littered


Lombard Ecology Do you Care? We Do

In 1969, we began pioneering environmental projects that continues to today:

  • we used “Keep Australia Beautiful” before the council was formed

  • 30 years ago all our plastic bags had “bring back your bag & get 10 cents off

  • we are involved in helping in a breeding program of the southern white rhinos

  • we constantly update our ranges to assist in our responsibility to the environment

  • we have a Tree Free paper solution that will be the basis of our packaging range

Lombard Planet Saver TM 

Our new environmental range of Tree Free Paper Products made from Bamboo.

Benefits of using Bamboo over Trees:

  • Highly renewable

  • Does not need replanting

  • Grows 10 times faster

  • Absorbs over 4 times more carbon 

  • Can also be recycled and re-used

  • Purifies soil instead of eroding it

Environmental Philosophy Est.1969

We believe that trees at all times be preserved in their natural environment, especially the destruction of the amazon and old growth jungles. It takes 200 years to replace a 200 year old tree. We feel passionately against the displacement of animals and habitat destruction for the pursuit of profit, including the over fishing of our seas and palm oil production. We are against irresponsible degradable plastic products and are against all forms of hunting for pleasure. 

Pioneers in Environmental Packaging Solutions since 1969