The unparalleled engineering and state-of-the-art design of the Puqpress automatic tamper ensures perfectly compressed coffee grounds and a precisely level tamp - every time.
control every detail
5 – 30 kg pressure range
Adjust the pressure in steps of 1kg and repeat your shots with incredible consistency.
The tamping profiles you want
A harder tamp to slow down the flow rate for a Flat White? Or a fast tamp to speed up your workflow? We’ve got the profile for you.
1 million tamps? Easily!
The Q2 comes with a two-year warranty. Regardless of the number of stamps, you’ll have it do.
New non-stick tamper finish
Far less coffee sticks to your tamper due to our NEW NON-STICK finish.
Did you know?
That manual tamping can lead to musculoskeletal injury risks for baristas?
To contact Chione about Puqpress Precision Coffee Tamper use Get a quote.
5 – 30 kg pressure range
Adjust the pressure in steps of 1kg and repeat your shots with incredible consistency.
The tamping profiles you want
A harder tamp to slow down the flow rate for a Flat White? Or a fast tamp to speed up your workflow? We’ve got the profile for you.
1 million tamps? Easily!
The Q2 comes with a two-year warranty. Regardless of the number of stamps, you’ll have it do.
New non-stick tamper finish
Far less coffee sticks to your tamper due to our NEW NON-STICK finish.
Did you know?
That manual tamping can lead to musculoskeletal injury risks for baristas?
Customers: The Star Casino , Vibe Petroleum,IGA, Metcash ,Parmalat, Caltex, The Star Casino,
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Chione are also proudly displaying these credentials:
The Star Casino , Vibe Petroleum,IGA, Metcash ,Parmalat, Caltex, The Star Casino,