The Bio Turbo technology replaces ethylene removal air purification systems that are pellet based (potassium permanganate).
The Bio Turbo technology provides an added feature over and above the ineffective pellet technology as it also eliminates 99.9% of airborne pathogens which can also impact the quality and retail price of fruit and vegetables.
Keeping the Customers Happy Casagrande states “Customer satisfaction is our number one priority, so we only use the latest technologies to improve the quality of our fruit and vegetables keeping our customers happy”.
However, previously employed technology hadn’t always worked too well.
“I was unhappy with the performance of granular based technologies,” continues Casagrande. “After service and change-out of the old granules, the new granule effectiveness is less than a few weeks and needs to be replaced again. This comes at a cost and does not offer the same protection as the proven Bio Turbo”.
Bio Turbo was then selected as a technology to reduce produce loss by prolonging storage life of fruit and vegetables as it requires minimal operator input and only requires servicing once per year.
Rapid ROI results
Compared with before the installation, there has since been a significant reduction of the fruit odour in Megafresh’s cold rooms, but most importantly, waste has also been significantly reduced.
Dominic reports “We’ve seen a 5% GP improvement to our bottom line, and wastage, due to over-ripening or mould infections, is now down to less than 1%, thanks to the Bio Turbo solution!”.
He adds that the difference was more noticeable during the Christmas period, “Our cold rooms were fully loaded with fruits. In previous years, I can remember throwing away whole trays with rotten mangoes. This year, I barely had to pick one or two fruits per tray. The biggest improvements have been in rockmelons, all berries, bananas, kiwifruits, apples, all leaf vegetables, onions, mangoes and stone fruit.” Dominic said.
“I have since opened a new store at Carina and the Bio Turbo was on the top of my equipment purchase list!”.