Tips on How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee

Learn these tips on how to make a perfect cup of coffee at home and become a coffee guru!

Having a good cup of coffee every morning can set your daily mood. However, depending entirely on a barista to serve your daily cup may not be an option especially when the coffee shops are closed. As a result, you might want to consider brewing a good cup of coffee yourself. Doing so can help you save some cash especially when you are a heavy coffee drinker. With these 8 simple tips on how to make a perfect cup of coffee, you can discover your inner barista skill!

Preparing your own cup of coffee at home is easier than you think. There are just certain rules you have to follow like storing your coffee beans properly. Also, making use of the best filters prevent unwanted bitterness or off-flavours from your cup. Whether your coffee is made from estate-grown beans and an elaborate brew process or a supermarket blend with a drip coffee maker, you can follow these basic rules for a delicious, satisfying cup of coffee.


How to Make a Coffee Guidelines

There are three common brewing methods for coffee that you can enjoy at home. Firstly, the long-standing favorite brewing method has been the classic drip coffee machine. The pour-over coffee at home is becoming more and more popular too. Last but not the least is the easy favourite coffee brewing method called French press.

Learn how you can make a coffee with these coffee brewing methods.

  • Drip Coffee Machine
  • Pour-over
  • French Press

Before getting started, keep in mind that weighing ground coffee provides better results compared to other equipment when measuring your coffee. Equipment such as measuring cups, measuring spoons, or coffee scoops. Instead, you can use a digital weighing scale for coffee that is very handy and provides better results.


Tips on How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee Using Drip Coffee Machine, Pour-over, and French Press

Making a Drip Coffee

A drip coffee machine is a true lifesaver, especially on a hectic morning. You could make up to 12 cups of coffee at a time, depending on your machine.

Compared to two other methods, drip coffee brewing process typically takes longer. Since the water has more time to pull flavours and oils from the grounds, the flavour tends to become more vibrant.

  • If you are stocking whole beans, uniformly grind the coffee beans similar to regular table salt consistency.
  • Then, transfer the coffee grounds into a filter-lined filter basket and place it in the drip coffee machine. Turn the water spout over the middle of the coffee grounds.
  • Pour over clean water into the back of the drip machine (not on the grounds) then turn the on button.
  • Once the bubbling stops, you are done brewing and you can turn off the machine now. This helps avoid any burnt taste on your brewed coffee.

NOTE: Make sure you clean your coffee machine once a month. Filtering through a mixture of water and vinegar helps remove any built-up residue.

Making a Pour-over Coffee

A pour-over coffee maker satisfied many coffee enthusiasts searching for a delicious, aromatic, and complex cup of coffee. Below is a quick guide on how you can make a coffee using a pour-over coffee maker.

  • Firstly, boil water using a kettle.
  • If you are stocking whole beans, grind the coffee beans uniformly just like granulated table salt.

        Learn how a burr grinder differs from a blade grinder, and how it affects the overall coffee flavour and opportunity.

  • Next, place a paper filter in the coffee brewer and pour a hot water on it to rinse it. Thus, it removes any residue on the filter paper and warms up the brewer at the same time. Do not forget to remove the water used for rinsing.
  • Scoop the coffee grounds then pour to the filter, and make sure the surface is level. Once the water is between 195°F and 205°F (a minute right after it has been removed from the heat), start pouring just enough water over the grounds. You can do the “bloom” pour that allows the coffee to de-gas. Simply pour from the middle and move your way outward slowly and steadily to completely saturate the grounds. Pouring should be stopped before the coffee begins to drip through.
  • Pour the remaining water slowly and let it sit for 3 to 4 minutes in the dripper between half and three-quarters full. Then, carefully remove the coffee filter paper before serving.

Making a French Press Coffee

Making a coffee using a French press lets you enjoy the coffee in its purest form. Pressure is used to force the coffee to the bottom after brewing. Thus, it captures the concentrated flavours – a deep, dark, and full-flavoured coffee.

  • Firstly, use a kettle (for example, a Brewista Stout Spout Variable Temperature Kettle) to bring water to a boil.
  • Add the coffee grounds to your French press. If you are using whole beans, grind the coffee beans coarser than you’d want for pour-over. The consistency of the grounds can be likened to breadcrumbs – uniform in size and without a lot of fine grit.
  • Once the water reaches between 195°F and 205°F, a minute right after it has been removed from the heat, pour it into the French press. Then, stir it vigorously into the coffee grounds. It will take about 4 minutes to brew the coffee and you can slowly plunge the press. The process separates the grounds from the coffee.
  • Finally, you can start serving and enjoying your French press coffee. Take note that if you don’t intend to immediately drink the coffee, never leave it in the French press. It will only make your coffee bitter. Instead, grab a carafe and pour the coffee into it.


How to Make the Best Coffee

Tip #1: Buy fresh coffee beans.

There’s no doubt coffee can be best enjoyed when freshly roasted. Several local coffee roasters now sell coffee beans online where they pack them to a quality-conscious packaging types.

Be cautious about some stores selling roasted beans in display bins. Most of these storage tubes get coffee oils and can turn rancid. Also, oxygen and too much light can buster the coffee flavour.

Tip #2: Maintain the freshness of the coffee beans.

For home baristas out there, remember to keep opened coffee beans in an airtight container. For instance, glass canning jars or ceramic storage crocks with rubber-gasket seals.

Certain studies have been at the forefront to discover external factors which can affect the freshness of the coffee beans. Such are space, oxygen, temperature, and time. Not only can they destroy the coffee aroma, but the coffee qualities too. As warned by flavour experts, never freeze a coffee, especially the dark roasts.

You may optimally buy coffee beans supply good for five to seven days and then keep them at room temperature.

Tip #3: If you have enough budget, opt for a good coffee.

The world of coffee tastes awaits coffee drinkers who are willing to set forth beyond mass-marketed commercial coffee brands. Originated coffee beans from distinct countries, regions, or estate of origin provide a lifetime of tasting experiences. Take Arabica and Robusta for example – the two well-known coffee beans in the coffee market.

Arabica coffee beans are widely produced that comes with a wider range of flavours. If you cannot find anything, you may try a cheap alternative named Robusta. Robusta coffee beans are noted for higher caffeine content and harsh flavours.

These fancy beans may not always be within your barista budget, but they are still worth a try.

Tip #4: Grind coffee beans by yourself.

Coffee immediately loses its quality upon grinding. Therefore, you can best enjoy your brews right from freshly grounded beans. If you are a home barista, you need not purchase an expensive burr mill. Instead, you may try our range of electric handy grinders or the popular portable hand grinder.  

Tip #5: Avoid cheap paper filters.

As per coffee experts, coffee filter papers with bargain prices yield inferior coffee. You may look for “oxygen-bleached” or “dioxin-free” paper filters when shopping.

Tip #6: Don’t skimp on the coffee.

Some people believe in tricks like putting less coffee and hotter water in order to extract more cups per pound. However, it only results in bitter brews.

The standard coffee measure when brewing a coffee of proper strength is 2 level tablespoons per 6-ounce or about 2 ¾ tablespoons per 8-ounce cup.

Tip #7: Beware the heat.

Coffee tends to become bitter rather than pleasant when the water is too hot. Remember that the ideal water temperature for brewing is 200°F – that is about 45 seconds off a full boil.

Don’t expect the coffee to maintain its best flavours for too long once brewed. It even turns the coffee bitter or foul-tasting when reheating, boiling, or holding it on a warming platform for too long.

Tip #8: Always keep your equipment clean.

Avoid any oil buildups by cleaning your storage containers and grinders every few weeks. For the machine, you may try an equipment cleaning solution like cafetto or run a strong solution of vinegar. Doing so dissolves away any mineral deposits.