Smoke-free outdoor dining now in effect for SA

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New guidelines and resources for the hospitality industry are now available ahead of the introduction of smoke-free outdoor dining in South Australia effective 1 July 2016.

Under the laws, smoking will be banned in outdoor dining areas at all times food is being offered or provided. Pre-packaged snack food such as nuts and chips are exempt.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Minister Leesa Vlahos says information kits distributed to the hospitality industry are a result of significant consultation with businesses, community and key health groups.

"In May 2014, the State Government announced all outdoor dining areas would become smoke-free in an effort to reduce the number of South Australian smokers," Vlahos said.

"Since then, we have been working closely with the hospitality sector to determine what they need to assist them in complying with the new laws.

Vlahos said smoke-free outdoor dining areas will increase the comfort and enjoyment of non-smokers using these areas by protecting them from second hand tobacco smoke.

"Smoke-free laws, along with other Government initiatives such as anti-smoking advertising, are helping to keep smoking rates down and improve the health of our community," she said.

Wendy Bevan, Manager Government Relations and Policy at the Australian Hotels Association (SA), said the hospitality sector has been working closely with SA Health to ensure businesses are ready for smoke-free outdoor dining.

"Since the initiative was announced in 2014, we have been working to ensure a smooth transition for our staff and hotel customers, to smoke-free outdoor dining," he said.

Fines of up to $200 for individuals who smoke in smoke-free areas and up to $1250 for occupiers who ignore the ban.

Detailed information, guidelines and resources for businesses are available on the SA Health website

Information for the public is available at

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