Research suggests many travellers don't enjoy their holiday

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"The more research you do and the more information you have, the greater chance you have of enjoying your holiday," said Lisa Murray, director of Australia Trip Planner.
"The more research you do and the more information you have, the greater chance you have of enjoying your holiday," said Lisa Murray, director of Australia Trip Planner.

Latest Galaxy poll research reveals that holiday-makers come home unhappy, tired, and feel their holiday choice has been 'compromised'.

Latest Galaxy poll research shows that a third of travellers come home unhappy from their holiday, while one in five people feel just as tired as they did before they went away.

The research - commissioned by Carnival Cruise Lines – found that 90 per cent of people feel they have to compromise on what they want from their holiday so that they can please their partners or family members. The top three issues that people feel they have to compromise on are:

  • Deciding on a destination (33 per cent)
  • Whether to go somewhere new or somewhere familiar (28 per cent)
  • Choosing between a relaxing or stimulating surroundings (22 per cent)

Lisa Murray, director of Australia Trip Planner said that there's always a level of compromise when you're travelling with family and friends but it should not hinder your holiday experience.

"There are three keys to having a great holiday: planning, research, and catering to the style of holiday you're after.

"Firstly, planning a holiday is like marriage – speak up or forever hold your peace! Talk about where and when you want to go, and what you want from your holiday. It's much easier to combine everyone's wants and desires when it's out in the open.

"Secondly, knowledge is power so the more research you do and the more information you have, the greater chance you have of enjoying your holiday.

"Thirdly, cater to the style of holiday you're booking. For instance, if it's a family friendly holiday with little kids, ditch the romantic dinners because unhappy children at an expensive and sexy restaurant will only leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth."

Lisa said that people are forever compromising, so we expect our holidays to be a selfish indulgence. Don't look at it as compromise but as a broader holiday experience. You're sharing new experiences with people you love. Look at all the wonderful memories you'll create.

"As for coming home tired, holidays are exhausting. You're doing new things, you're out of your regular environment and comfort zone, and then there's the sudden shock to your system when you have to return to your normality. But seriously, is a bit of post-holiday tiredness really enough to make you stop taking holidays?"

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