Report confirms drop in alcohol-related assaults on licensed premises

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ln 2012, assaults on licensed premises across the state fell by 8 per cent on the previous year.
ln 2012, assaults on licensed premises across the state fell by 8 per cent on the previous year.

Minister for ospitality, George Souris, has welcomed the release of a report by the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) confirming significant falls in the number of assaults on licensed premises.

Souris said BOCSAR's stHudy tested whether tougher liquor licensing regulations had prompted staff at licensed venues to under report assaults to police.

However, BOCSAR found no statistical evidence to support this and concluded the declining trend in assaults at licensed premises most likely reflects a broader decreasing trend in non-domestic assaults across NSW.

"The government acknowledges and welcomes this encouraging report by BOCSAR," Souris said.

"Since being elected in 2011, the NSW government has worked hard to demonstrate its commitment to reducing alcohol-related violence in this State, and remains strongly committed to that cause.

"ln 2012, assaults on licensed premises across the state fell by 8 per cent on the previous year.

"The government's efforts have spanned a range of activities including:

  • delivered an extra 370 police officers since December 2011
  • commenced the trial of sobering up centres so that intoxicated people who refuse police requests to move on will have to sleep off their big night in a cell
  • given police stronger move-on powers and introduced a new offence of "intoxicated and disorderly" so police can defuse volatile situations before they escalate
  • implemented the 'Three Strikes' scheme targeting irresponsible venues
  • subjected violent venues to strict licence conditions, including restrictions on the use of glass, timeout periods, a ban on shots and lockouts
  • cracked down on irresponsible liquor promotions by licensed venues, with bans and show cause notices issued including in Sydney, Kings Cross and Byron Bay
  • extended the freeze on high risk liquor licence applications within the Kings Cross precinct
  • introduced new late night transport options, tough new licence conditions for licensed premises, drink restrictions and new security measures in Kings Cross
  • passed new laws to allow drug detection dogs to be used in the Kings Cross area without police first obtaining a warrant."
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