Coffee Brewing Guides: How to Brew Coffee?

These coffee brewing guides will ease your worries about sipping on your favourite coffee in your favourite café. It’s not impossible to recreate and enjoy the same cup of coffee at your very own home.

Your love for coffee will take you to a whole new level as you learn the processes. Aside from the fact that you will be able to enjoy brews whenever and wherever you want, you get to explore more of the complex world of coffee too! For instance, ‘Where are the best coffee bean types grown?’, ‘How does Arabica differ from Robusta?’, ‘Why is grind size important?’.

There’s a lot to learn and beginners might find these coffee brewing guides intimidating. But we’ve got good news for you – Brew Solutions Australia is here to help you out!


What Are the Important Factors in Brewing Coffee?


Generally, coarser coffee grinds require longer brewing times such as French Press. On the other hand, finer coffee grinds are brewed shorter. When your coffee tastes sour and flows too quickly, grind the coffee finer. But when the coffee tastes bitter and flows slowly, you can make the grind size coarser.


The strength of the coffee is determined by the ratio of the coffee to the water. Ideally, you can weigh your coffee or use a coffee scoop that can hold 10 grams of coffee. You can even weigh or measure the water that you will use.

Most of the people find that the brew has the best flavours when 20% of soluble solids are extracted from the coffee grounds. Too much extraction can result to a bitter brew. Over-extraction may pertain to a fine grind, longer brewing time, too hot water, or too much ground coffee. On the other hand, under-extraction results in a thin, weak, and sour cup of coffee. However, adding more coffee grounds will not correct the under-extracted coffee.


Obviously, a fresh and clean water is necessary when brewing your own cup of coffee. A filtered or purified water also works.

Ideally, your water temperature should fall between 195°F to 205°F, because a water works as a better solvent when it’s near its boiling temperature. Probably the reason too why it’s always better to brew a full batch on an auto-drip machine. An auto-drip machine gets a full batch of water up to the proper temperature.


Coffee brewing guides will not be complete without the proper orientation of the equipment. Below are six common brewing methods you can learn to prepare yourself a perfect cup of coffee.

A little note, stirring the coffee-water infusion increases the rate of soluble solids extraction. Agitation is caused by pouring water over the coffee grounds. When it comes to immersion brewing, remember to agitate (stir) the brew again during the dwell time.


Never let a coffee sit on a hot plate or in a French press for a long period of time. It could result to overcooking and over-extraction, so it is better to transfer it to a thermal carafe.


Regularly rinsing and cleaning your coffee equipment is highly important to remove stale coffee build up. Old sediments can result to rancid flavours in the cup. The moment you smell an odor from your equipment, clean it. If you cannot remember when it was last cleaned, clean it.


Obviously, the quality of the coffee beans together with the roast level highly contribute to the taste of your coffee. There are instances where some roast levels perform better in other brewing methods. For example, lighter roasts can give you an impression of unbalanced bitterness or sourness in immersion brewing. Another thing is that some pour over methods do not entirely showcase the caramelized sweetness in darker roasts. However, you do not need to worry about these issues because brew ratios can help you out in balancing flavours.


Coffee Brewing Guides Using Different Methods

Aeropress Brewing Guide

The Aeropress is very easy to use, portable, inexpensive compared to other brewing devices, and brews a great cup of coffee. Arguably, it is the fastest way to make coffee. Because of these advantages, the Aeropress has become one of the most popular coffee makers. In fact, there’s a dedicated World Championship Competition for Aeropress.

  1. Put an Aeropress filter into the Aeropress cap. Then, use a hot water to pre-wet the filter paper. This process does not only pre-heats your Aeropress but also helps in removing any ‘papery’ flavors from your coffee.
  2. Next, assemble the Aeropress in an inverted position. Take the plunger and slightly push the rubber end into the smooth end of the chamber. Take note that you don’t need to push the rubber end all the way in. The Aeropress should sit on the plunger.
  3. Get about 255g of purified water and heat it to 201°F.
  4. Measure 17g of coffee and grind it into a very coarse texture similar to a sea salt. After grinding, you can already pour it into the Aeropress.
  5. Grab your timer and set it to 3 ½ minutes.
  6. Pour the hot purified water into the chamber and stir it for three times.
  7. Screw the cap onto the Aeropress chamber with the paper filter.
  8. Then, turn your cup upside down and place it on top of the Aeropress. Carefully flip over the Aeropress so that your mug is now on the bottom. Keep one hand around the lip of the Aeropress as you gently push the top of the plunger using the other hand.

Remember to use just a moderate pressure when pushing the plunger down. A little bit of force can make the plunger slide down the tube. However, too much force could cause the Aeropress to fly off.

Chemex Brewing Guide

Another popular manual pour over is the Chemex brewer. Both of the novice and expert coffee enthusiasts are attracted by its simple elegance and intricate parameters. Brewing using a chemex results to a clean cup and maintains body and balanced floral notes.

  1. Place the Chemex paper filter into the Chemex with the triple-folds facing the spout in order to ensure proper airflow.
  2. Rinse the filter paper and Chemex with hot water, then dump the water.
  3. Measure about 480g of purified water and then heat it to 201°F.
  4. Grind 30g of coffee to medium coarse (kosher salt sized) texture. Then, pour it into the filter in an even mound.
  5. Start your time and pour 50g-60g of hot, purified water, enough to completely saturate the coffee grounds. Carefully swirl to incorporate.
  6. After 30 seconds, pour the remaining water so that it is in your Chemex by 3 minutes. Remember to start in the center and move outwards in concentric circles.

Note: Pouring along the edges of the filter causes uneven brew. 

 7. Let the coffee drain for around 4 minutes mark. Then, you can remove the filter and enjoy the coffee!

  • Clever Dripper Brewing Guide

Clever dripper is also one of the favourite pour-over brewers. It combines the best aspects of pour-over brewers (like the V60), and full immersion brewers. This is so simple to use yet it makes such an amazing filter coffee.

  1. Take your paper filter (#2 or #4 – depends on your brewer size) and fold along the seams at the bottom and side of the filter. Then, drop your paper filter into the clever dripper.
  2. Pre-rinse your filter paper with hot water and then empty the water out.
  3. Measure about 480g of purified water and then heat it to 201°F.
  4. Grind 30g of coffee to a very coarse (sea salt sized) texture. Then, pour it into the filter in an even mound.
  5. Set your timer to 3 ½ minutes and then start.
  6. Pour 30g to 60g of hot, purified water into the center of the coffee bed to wet all the grounds.
  7. Wait for 30 seconds until your coffee blooms.
  8. Pour the rest of your water and place the lid on top to retain heat.
  9. Remove the lid when the timer goes off. Then, agitate the slurry three times to ensure no grounds are sticking to the sides of the brewer.
  10. Place the clever dripper atop your cup or carafe.
  11. Wait for about 30 seconds for the coffee to drain until the coffee bed is level.
  12. Finally, you can serve and enjoy the clever dripper coffee!

Cold Brew Brewing Guide

A cold brew coffee guarantees a smooth and icy cup, every time. Making one does not require any ninja level skills of a barista in order to master. Even a much special equipment is no longer needed for making the cold brew coffee.

  1. Place the mesh or paper filter into a glass jar. Ensure that the jar comes with a wide mouth in order to easily remove the filter and the grounds later.
  2. Measure 90g of coffee and grind it to a very coarse (sea salt sized) texture, then pour it into a paper filter bag.
  3. Pour all 720g of cold water into the jar and secure it with a lid or covering.
  4. Steep coffee for 16 hours at room temperature, or 24 hours if refrigerated.
  5. Depending on the chosen brew time, remove the filter as well as the coffee grounds from the cold brew concentrate. Simply pour it over a fine mesh sieve and repeat it 2-3 times to get rid of all the fines and grounds.
  6. Dilute the cold brew concentrate at a ratio of 1 part cold brew and 1.3 parts water. The concentrate can be kept for 10 days in a refrigerator.

French Press Brewing Guide

If you are a coffee drinker who prefers full-bodied and flavorful coffee, this is the go-to brewing method for you. French Press coffee brewing guide shows how comfy, cozy, and very easy – all you need is just-boiled water to steep coarse grinds!

  1. Measure about 420g of purified water and heat it to 201°F.
  2. Preheat the vessel by pouring minimal amount of hot water into the press, then dump it.
  3. Grind 30g of coffee into a very coarse (sea salt sized) texture. Then, pour freshly ground coffee to bottom of the press.
  4. Start the timer for 4 minutes.
  5. Measure 100g of heated, purified water in order to wet all the grounds.
  6. Gently stir the slurry three times after 30 seconds.
  7. Pour the remaining hot water over the grounds.
  8. Once the timer goes off, press down the plunger slowly. Serve the coffee and enjoy!

V60 Pour Over Brewing Guide

V60 is a simple, clean, and accessible brewing method. It is common in coffee houses worldwide producing a delicate and sophisticated cup. If you are looking to level up the mouthfeel and flavor notes of your coffee, V60 pour over doesn’t require connoisseurship at all!

  1. Grab a v-shaped filter and place it into the V60.
  2. Rinse the paper filter with hot water over cup and let it drain completely. Empty the water out once done.
  3. Measure about 450g of purified water and heat it to 201°F.
  4. Grind 30g of coffee to medium coarse (kosher salt sized) texture. Then, pour it into the filter in an even mound.
  5. Start the timer and pour 50 – 60g of heated, purified water starting in the center, moving outwards in concentric circles.
  6. Wait for 30 seconds in order for the coffee to bloom.
  7. Pour the remaining water. Do not pour along the edges of the filter to avoid an uneven brew.
  8. It should be completely drained between 3:30 minutes and 4:00 minutes. Serve the coffee and enjoy!


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