AAA "strongly opposed" to threat of tourism funding cutbacks

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"The tourism industry is one of Australia's largest and most important industries.
"The tourism industry is one of Australia's largest and most important industries.

The accommodation industry is strongly opposed to the recommendations in the National Commission of Audit report that funding for Tourism Australia should be halved and that Tourism Australia should be consolidated in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

"These recommendations have come as a shock to the accommodation industry and if implemented, have the potential to risk private-sector investment in our industry," the Chief Executive Officer of the Accommodation Association of Australia, Richard Munro asserted in a public statement.
"The accommodation industry is against any cuts being made to Tourism Australia and it strongly supports the retention of Tourism Australia in its current form.
"We call on Minister Robb to confirm these recommendations will not be realised. 
"The tourism industry is one of Australia's largest and most important industries and it directly employs 543,600 people," Munro said.
"Any cut to the funding of Tourism Australia and/or consolidating it into the department would severely damage Australia's ability to compete with other nations for the international tourism dollar, particularly as other lower-cost destinations in Asia are investing significantly in tourism marketing. 
"On behalf of the accommodation industry, the Accommodation Association will write to the Federal Government to ensure that it is aware of our industry's views on the level of support for Tourism Australia. 
"Other proposals in the report would also hurt tourism, if they were to become a reality. These include ceasing funding for Export Market Development Grants and tourism industry grants." 

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