Cleaning, Laundry & Housekeeping Feature Articles

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How to design a hotel bathroom where space is at a premium
If your hotel bathrooms make a cupboard seem positively roomy, you might think you've got a problem. And in one way you have – teensy bathrooms aren't exactly a great sales feature ...
Airbnb 'paying little or no tax in Australia', claims AAA
Companies which are platforms for residential properties to be used for tourism accommodation are continuing to avoid paying their fair share of taxes in Australia.
Federal budget 'delivers results' for small hospitality businesses
Tax cuts and asset write-off provisions for small business announced in the Federal Budget will reduce costs and allow small businesses to grow, according to peak industry association, ...
Budget initiatives to 'promote and create' accommodation jobs
Federal Budget funding initiatives which promote and create jobs are set to benefit the accommodation industry.
Accommodation sector welcomes Budget boost for tourism marketing
The accommodation industry has welcomed several aspects of the Federal Budget, including an increase in funding for Tourism Australia.
Hospitality industry welcomes new training development arrangements
New training product development arrangements announced for the vocational education sector by the Australian Government this morning is a welcome step in addressing the skill needs ...
Accommodation operators welcome multiple entry visas for China
Accommodation operators have welcomed the announcement of an extension to the visa pilot scheme which permits Chinese visitors to receive three-year online multiple entry visas.
Australia raises the stakes in global grab for gambling dollars
Australian casino giants are placing all bets on overseas gamblers as the industry gears up for the opening of three new mega-casinos in the next five years, in response to burgeoning ...
How to ensure your hotel is safe for guests and staff
To a newly married couple a hotel represents romance. To a family it's adventure. To a business person it's an office. But to all these people it should also represent security.
Industry welcomes extension of 'unfair' contract term protections
The extension of unfair contract term protections to small business will provide hospitality operators with greater confidence when dealing with suppliers and distributors, according ...
Industry calls for fines for non-compliant tourism accommodation
The Accommodation Association of Australia (AAA) has made a submission to the Productivity Commission calling for fines to be applied to non-compliant tourism accommodation.
4.5 stars, but hotel housekeepers underpaid
Housekeepers cleaning rooms at one of Australia's largest hotels will have their pay packets reviewed after an investigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman found they are being underpaid. ...
Front-of-house apprenticeships return to Bris hospitality sector
Entering the hospitality industry is more appealing than ever with the new front-of-house specialists' apprenticeship and the Cert IV chef apprenticeship being introduced in Queensland. ...
Top 5 Hotel Issues Where the Customer Might be Wrong
We all know the longstanding mantra in the service industry – 'The customer is always right'. Whether it's a dispute over milk past its use by date or a late delivery, those seeking ...
Snowy Mountains tourism pledge a boost for accommodation
The Accommodation Association of Australia has welcomed the news of an election pledge from the Deputy Premier of NSW, Troy Grant MP, that will mean a significant boost to tourism ...
Lost linen: how hotels track what guests love to take
It's something that must have crossed many a guest's mind during their latest hotel stay. Hotel bed linen, towels and robes – their texture, fluffiness and cosiness is just about ...
5 Reasons to be Excited About Hospitality in 2015
Tourism is now the biggest industry in the world, accounting for a whopping 9 per cent of global GDP (per Forbes).
Duty of care gives hotels 'the right' to refuse, cancel booking
Hotel venues are sometimes faced with the issue of whether or not to take a booking, or cancel a booking, based on the person or organisation involved.
Occupancy up in Vic but numbers down in WA, Qld
Accommodation takings and occupancy rates have gone up in Victoria because of an increase in overseas leisure tourists, according to the latest seasonally adjusted figures released ...
Hospitality workplace policies – is your business covered?
Work visas, employee contracts, drugs and alcohol policies, health and safety regulations, and even data collection laws – nobody ever said hospitality SMEs have it easy when it ...
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