Bar Equipment & Barware Feature Articles

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THCC launches initiative to address shortfal of hospitality workers
The Tourism & Hospitality Careers Council (THCC) has redeveloped its Discover Your Career website to facilitate jobs growth and attract and retain apprentices in the hospitality and ...
Why are 82 per cent of us drinking red wine too warm?
In a recent IPSOS study conducted by Taylors Wines, 8 out of 10 Australians are drinking their red wine 'at room temperature'.
How to buy the right coffee supply for your cafe
Coffee connoisseurs will walk past eleven cafes because they know the best beans are at the twelfth.
Eggs not milk the food safety risk: Australian Food Safety Week
As Australian Food Safety Week draws to a close, a national survey carried out by OmniPoll found that 71% of those surveyed blamed pasteurized milk for food poisoning when, in fact, ...
Community-focused liquor reforms pass NSW parliament
Laws to beef up the state's liquor and gaming regulator and provide the community with a new low-cost right of appeal to licensing decisions have passed the NSW Parliament.
‘Signature Australia’ campaign launched to largest US travel network
Tourism Australia launched a targeted campaign in November to Signature Travel Network, the largest retail travel network in the USA with more than 6,000 agents, four million consumers ...
How to buy the right bar tables for your space
Bar tables. By nature they're more for putting drinks and elbows and cell phones and nachos on than any serious food.
Restaurants in Alice Springs short-changed workers almost $25,000
Dozens of workers at two Alice Springs restaurants have been back-paid almost $25,000 in wages and entitlements following recent intervention by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
More skilled workers required for Tourism to 2020
The Australian Tourism Labour Force Report released on 4 November 2015 has highlighted the need to focus on how best to meet the critical skills and labour force needs for one of ...
Tips for Buying Fresh Restaurant Ingredients
By fresh, I also mean sustainable because that really is the buzzword in food today.
Fonterra Proud to be a Chef returns for its 17th year
Aspiring Aussie apprentices are encouraged to apply for the culinary experience of a lifetime.
Adelaide City Council comes to table on food trucks
Changes to food truck requirements in Adelaide will create a level playing field for existing and temporary food operators, according to peak industry association Restaurant & Catering ...
Things to Consider When Buying Wine for Your Restaurant
"That's a nice drop," is a saying you want relating to your wine choices, not your profits.
Working holiday visa-holder allegedly paid $10/hour
A Queensland restaurant operator is facing Court for allegedly paying a young Chinese national just $10 an hour and breaching sham contracting laws.
6 Tips for Your Bar Fit Out
So you've decided you’re fine with the long hours and late nights. You're ready to cope with the staff comings and goings and deal with all the inevitable side effects when alcohol ...
Report finds room for improvement in hotel development approvals
According to a report released by Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb and new Tourism and International Education Minister Senator Richard Colbeckon on 2 October 2015, planning ...
Tourism Employment Plan prepares Tasmania for growth
A new employment plan for Tasmania's North West and West Coast tourism industry will create the capacity to handle stronger growth in traveller numbers and reskill its workforce.
ACT hospitality industry welcomes decision to scrap 'Scores on Doors'
Canberra's hospitality and hotel industry has welcomed the ACT's Government's decision to scrap the 'Scores on Doors' policy, the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) ACT said on 10 ...
Robb promotes Australian tourism investment in Hong Kong
Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb is in Hong Kong (13-16 October) promoting investment in Australia's tourism and hospitality sector.
Stronger compliance under NSW liquor and gaming reform
The State's liquor regulator will be boosted with extra compliance officers and the community given access to a new merit-based appeal of licensing decisions, to support stronger ...
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