Furniture & Fixtures Feature Articles

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Overseas visitors break records with highest-ever growth in spending
Australian tourism exports are breaking records as international visitors are spending more and staying longer. 
WA lags behind other states in international visitors and spend
Western Australia continues to lag behind other States in the international tourism stakes, recording the lowest growth in international visitor numbers in the country and a fall in ...
Cairns restaurant faces court for underpaying overseas worker $33,000
The operators of a restaurant in Cairns are facing Court for allegedly short-changing an overseas worker more than $33,000 over a period of almost three years.
Funding for Great Ocean Road tourism in lead up to holidays
The Andrews Labor Government is helping businesses bounce back along the Great Ocean Road following the Wye River fires with funding now available to stimulate tourism and attract ...
NSW smoke-free outdoor dining provides breath of fresh air for diners
Six months into smoke-free outdoor dining in NSW and NSW Health has reported public support and levels of compliance are high.
Building better tourism businesses in Queensland
The Australian Government will provide $670,450 for training and development projects to help Queensland tourism businesses flourish and grow.
Tourism is our export hero but we can do more
Tourism is a vital source of export income that is defying the downturn in other areas and so would offer great economic reward for future government attention, the National Tourism ...
Hospitality students to train at world famous Noma restaurant
Hospitality students will have the opportunity to serve part of their training for the Diploma of Hospitality at one of the world‘s best restaurants, when Noma begins its 10-week ...
NSW extends Sunday trading for special events in 2016
The NSW Government has approved a two-hour extension of Sunday trading for hotels and registered clubs for special events in 2016, Deputy Premier Troy Grant said.
Chinese tourists to Australia breaks one million visitor milestone
The number of Chinese tourists visiting Australia over a 12 month period has smashed through the one million visitor milestone for the first time in the latest overseas arrivals ...
Productivity Commission recommends penalty rate reform
Australia's peak hospitality and accommodation bodies, Australian Hotels Association (AHA) and Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA), have welcomed the Productivity Commission's ...
Australians spending more on world-class holidays at home
The latest national tourism figures, released on 16 December 2015, show Australians are choosing to spend their money on word-class holidays in their home country over what can be ...
NSW compliance blitz of licensed venues over festive season
A compliance blitz beginning 11 December 2015 will target licensed venues over the Christmas and New Year period to protect patrons from alcohol-related harm and violence, Deputy ...
4 Tips for Your Hotel Fitout
Whether your market is holidaymakers or business travellers, or both, your hotel's interior design determines whether that market comes back for more.
Participate in Tourism Australia's new marine marketing campaign
The Government is calling for industry to participate in Tourism Australia's new $40 million global campaign promoting Australia’s extensive coastal and aquatic environments.
Cutting red tape for mobile food businesses in Tasmania
From 9 December 2015, financial barriers preventing many mobile food business moving around the state have been scrapped allowing Tasmanians and visitors to enjoy greater food choices. ...
Things to Look Out for When Buying Commercial Dishwashers
Dirt. That’s the first thing to look out for, or a pleasing lack of it.
To holiday or not? That is the big Aussie question
According to a national survey of 1000 people by the Tourism and Transport Forum Australia (TTF), too many Australians will have work not holidays on their mind this festive season. ...
Restaurants raise glasses to red tape reduction
Changes to the Liquor Control Act will significantly reduce red tape and make it is easier for producers and restaurants to do business, according to peak industry association ...
Things to Consider When Buying EFTPOS Machines
In an age of mobile phones and online shopping it's not surprising to find EFTPOS now rolling with the times. In a major transformation of its payment technology, EFTPOS will provide ...
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