Cleaning, Laundry & Housekeeping Feature Articles

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Accommodation industry investment boost for Victoria: AAA
Confidence to invest in hotels, motels and other tourism accommodation businesses in Victoria is set to be restored following a significant legislative change.
Aussies slam government's hidden holiday tax: TTF survey
MORE than 80 per cent of voters say Australia’s hidden $1 billion holiday tax should be slashed or invested directly into the tourism industry to support economic growth and more ...
Legal definition of casual employee a crucial IR reform: ACTU
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) sees the introduction of an objective test to determine the definition of a casual employee as having a fundamentally positive impact ...
TAS tourism spending reaches all time high of $2 billion
Tasmanians have two billion reasons to celebrate our tourism industry with visitor spending topping $2 billion for the first time in history, according to the latest Tasmanian Visitor ...
Small hospitality businesses to benefit from Fed Budget tax cuts
Company tax cuts for small business and incentives to hire young Australians will boost the confidence of small hospitality businesses and allow them to grow, according to peak ...
Are you in for a share of $2 million?
The Fair Work Ombudsman is on the hunt for thousands of workers owed a total of more than $2 million by their former employers.
7 Great Apps for Restaurant Managers
As a restaurant manager anything that makes your life easier has to be taken seriously, especially if it can all be stored in a device you probably carry around in your pocket anyway. ...
Minimum wage rise not enough for lowest paid Australians: ACTU
The Turnbull Government’s failure to strongly advocate for a raise in the minimum wage is a glaring and potentially costly omission, as the Fair Work Commission (FWC) recently ...
Fair Work Ombudsman spot checks 250 NSW businesses
The Fair Work Ombudsman is auditing up to 250 businesses across the Mid-Western and Northern regions of NSW as part of a new campaign.
How to get a positive online review from your customers
All the advertising in the world can fall flat and leave your rooms or tables empty if your message isn’t right, but one online review can change everything.
Penalty rates debate should focus on facts: Ai Group
The Ai Group clarifies facts on the penalty rates debate.
Housekeepers underpaid at 4 & 5-star hotels: Inquiry
The Fair Work Ombudsman released the findings of its Inquiry into the procurement of housekeeping services by three of Australia's major hotel chains.
Visitors to benefit from seasonal worker pilot in Northern Australia
Domestic and international visitors are set to benefit from increased levels of service as a result of the commencement of the Seasonal Worker Programme Northern Australia tourism ...
Time to tackle inequality by increasing the minimum wage: ACTU
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) will continue its fight for a $30 a week increase to the minimum wage at the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review.
2016 Budget to drive future tourism growth and boost economy
The Coalition Government recognises that tourism is one of five super-growth sectors that will create new jobs and growth in the economy over the next decade. Tourism now accounts ...
Tax cuts in Federal Budget supported by accommodation industry
Tax cuts for small businesses and initiatives to boost youth employment announced in the Federal Budget have received support from the accommodation industry.
Things to Look Out for When Buying Hotel Beds
You can spend your entire budget on fancy restaurants, bars and swimming pools, but the fact of the matter is that your guests will spend the majority of their visit sleeping.
Investments in tourism will attract visitors and create jobs
The Government's investment in tourism in the Budget will help Australia to attract more international visitors and support jobs and growth in businesses in the sector, the Australian ...
Unions politicking, allow Fair Work to reform hospitality award: AHA
It's time for the unions to stop politicking and allow the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to do its job in reforming the Hospitality Industry (General) Award for the benefit of workers ...
Australian hotels embrace connectivity with 96% offering 'free' Wi-Fi
An industry wide survey of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels and serviced apartments by Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) has revealed that 96% of Australian hotels surveyed* offer some ...
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