Cleaning, Laundry & Housekeeping Feature Articles

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AHA slams ACCC agreement with online travel agencies
The ACCC announcement on 5 Sept 2016 that it has reached an agreement with global online travel agencies, including and Expedia, will result in consumers being denied ...
Sushi restaurant short-changes visa-holders $123,000
Nine overseas workers employed by a sushi restaurant chain in Brisbane were short-changed more than $123,000 over 16 months, a Fair Work Ombudsman investigation has found.
Tourism Australia must focus on declining visitors in WA
The latest international visitor data shows spending in Australia for the past year grew by 14.2% on average, but in Western Australia it declined by -0.2%, prompting calls for a ...
Casual workers rising, leaving more Aussies without leave entitlement
Statistics released 31 August 2016 by the ABS show casualisation of work continues to rise under the Turnbull Government.
5 ways to keep customers coming back
Unless you still operate from one of those quaint, last-decade entities called a ‘shop,’ your customers are online and on the move.
Backpacker tax could reduce working holiday makers by 60%: survey
The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has renewed its call for the Federal Government to abandon its short-sighted 32.5 per cent backpacker tax.
Syd restaurant Mamak fined almost $300,000 after paying staff $11/hour
The operators of an inner Sydney restaurant who relied on informal market research to set their wage rates have been penalised almost $300,000 for deliberately short-changing their ...
How technology is transforming the hospitality industry
These days there’s no escaping technology, and now even holiday escapes are dreamt up and actioned online.
Surging overseas visitors driving a booming tourism sector: TTF
Overseas arrival figures from 2015-2016 have surged as Australia's visitor economy continues to grow.
Stats show power of tourism - now we need policies to match
In a week dominated by concerns of a soft economy, lower housing approvals and a continuing balance of trade deficit, tourism stands out as a powerhouse with two sets of key figures ...
Playing it safe: how to keep your customers' valuables secure
Your rooms can be immaculate, your service impeccable, but if valuables disappear, your guests will disappear just as fast.
Tourism businesses' contribution to Australia's GDP strengthens
The contribution of the tourism industry to Australia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased by almost 18 per cent, highlighting the importance of the sector to Australia's ...
Food services / accommodation industry high on list for enforcement
The food services and accommodation industry accounted for 40 percent of Enforceable Undertakings the Fair Work Ombudsman entered with employers last financial year.
With 1 in 8 businesses in tourism, Government needs to back sector
The tourism sector has grown and contributed $47.5 billion to the economy in 2014-15.
Accommodation industry gives thumbs up for increased tourism profile
The increased profile of the tourism portfolio in the new Turnbull ministry is an extremely positive development, according to Australia's accommodation industry.
Café faces Court for exploitative cash-back scheme
An overseas worker employed as a cook on the Gold Coast was allegedly required to pay back more than $21,000 of her wages to her employer in an exploitative cash-back scheme.
Tourism forecast shows strong future
Australia’s visitor economy is on track to generate $127 billion in overnight expenditure by 2020 backed by a surging Chinese visitor market according to the latest tourism forecasts. ...
Back-pay for almost 250 restaurant staff due to public holiday mistake
The operator of a dozen restaurants across Melbourne has been required to back-pay almost 250 workers after inadvertently underpaying their Christmas Day entitlements.
NSW Budget raises the bar for tourism & transport investment
The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has welcomed the NSW Budget as a bar-setting example of the economic value of investing in the visitor economy and public transport.
Be prepared - wage rate changes effective 1 July 2016
A new National Minimum Wage comes into effect from the first pay period on or after tomorrow, July 1.
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