Commercial Kitchen Equipment Feature Articles

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Safer food being served up in NSW
Food safety standards in retail food and foodservice outlets across NSW have increased significantly in recent years.
Restaurant & Catering turnover continues to show industry resilience
Retail trade data released recently by the ABS showed that turnover for restaurants and cafes was up 11.8 per cent on last year albeit closure rates for the industry at an all-time ...
Father's Day spending forecast to fall flat in 2012
Expect dads to continue to be forgotten this Father's Day as families opt for cheaper gifts including gift cards, books and modest family dining, despite increasing consumer confidence. ...
Mental stigma? Workers less likely to claim for psychological illness
Research has found workers are significantly less likely to claim GP visits for psychological illnesses on workers' compensation than they are for physical work-related injuries such ...
Collegiate millennials shape culinary trends of tomorrow
As incoming college freshmen pack their bags for school this fall, many will be saying goodbye not only to family members but also to existing eating habits.
'Healthy' and 'natural' lead soft drink launches
New product activity in soft drinks appears to be accelerating strongly again, with rising levels of global launch activity recorded by Innova Market Insights over the past two years ...
Double pay 'crippling small business'
Independent senator Nick Xenophon will attempt to change workplace laws over double-time weekend wages he says are crippling small businesses that can no longer afford to stay open ...
Melbourne named world's most liveable city
Melbourne has claimed gold as the world's most liveable city – with its thriving cafe and bar scene once again to the fore – but Sydney has lost its status as Australia's second most ...
Study finds eco-labels "overwhelming" for firms and customers
The practice of eco-labelling may be on the brink of saturation point and is becoming as confusing for companies as it is for consumers, a major new study has warned.
 Restaurant and catering turnover the bright spot in retail figures
Retail trade data released recently by the ABS showed that turnover for restaurants and cafes was up 12 per cent on 2011, albeit with closure rates for the industry at an all-time ...
Feeling ginger: spice could manage diabetes complications
Ginger, the common spice and ancient Asian remedy, could have the power to help manage the high levels of blood sugar which create complications for long-term diabetic patients, a ...
The real winners in Australia's battle against the bulge
With spring just around the corner, business information analysts at IBISWorld say Australians are spending up big in an attempt to lose the winter wobble – investing over $2.5 ...
Truffle festival draws record fan numbers
They're black, ugly, pungent and mouldy - and worth almost their weight in gold.
The rise and rise of private labels
Currently accounting for just over one-quarter of total supermarket sales, business information research firm IBISWorld forecasts the share of private-label products will increase ...
Supermarkets are not just for groceries anymore
Sales of prepared foods and ready-to-eat foods at retail will reach $32.45 billion in 2012, up 7.5 per cent from 2011, according to Prepared Foods and Ready-to-Eat Foods at Retail, ...
Consumer behaviour in wine selection a complex science
The average consumer takes only forty seconds to pick a bottle of wine off the shelf. But what goes into making that decision?
Food processing sector indirectly affected by carbon tax
The food processing sector accounts for only a small portion of carbon emissions and its contribution to overall emissions has fallen over the past two decades.
Alternative protein research to meet surge in global demand
With over seven billion mouths to feed globally, the demand for protein continues to rise.
Top chefs join with govt and corporates to mentor Indigenous trainees
Chefs from Sydney's top restaurants have combined forces to create the new National Indigenous Culinary Institute, which will see potentially gifted candidates selected for the ...
Ready-meals zapped with higher quality and healthy ingredients
A review of global launch activity in ready-meals over the past year or so highlights some key trends, including ongoing interest in healthy options, more authentic-style ethnic ...
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