Bar Equipment & Barware Feature Articles

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Annual Dry July far from popular among alcohol sellers
Bin the gin, stick the stubbies in storage and put the caps on the schnapps - that is the message being promoted by organisers of Dry July.
Declining alcohol-related violence in popular precinct
Alcohol-related violence is down almost 30 per cent in one of the nation's busiest entertainment precincts due to the hard work of the City North Liquor Accord.
Calling time on alcohol taxation in Australia
Alcohol is a prime target for taxation.
Hard to swallow: could Australians really be drinking less beer?
Australia's reputation as a beer-swilling nation is on the line.
Give restaurant and cafe owners a fair go on penalty rates
Over the last 20 years or so, Australians have developed a true appreciation for the social ritual of the Sunday morning catch up with friends or family over breakfast or lunch at ...
One in five Australian workers are casual employees
One in five, or 19 per cent of Australian workers were casual employees in November 2011, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has announced.
Dutch weed ban to affect foreign tourists at coffee shops
This country of canals and tulips is also famous for 'coffee shops' where joints and cappuccinos share the menu.
Vic youth affected by decline of 'traditional' employment sectors
Young people are shouldering the brunt of the economic downturn in Victoria, with the demographic being impacted by diminishing opportunities in traditional youth-friendly sectors ...
Gaming claims: do the numbers add up?
The level of charitable and community contributions provided by poker machine operators is 'miniscule' in comparison to the amount of money lost by poker machine users within local ...
Industry pressured for action on booze culture
Restrictions on the sale of heavy liquor, 3am closing times for pubs and clubs, 1am lockouts, and taxation reform are among the recommendations being put forward in light of a new ...
Health myth: the three-second rule when food falls on the floor
As a food microbiologist, I have always been amazed at people's belief in the three- or five-second rule.
Footy season kicks off annual surge in sports betting
As the 2012 NRL and AFL seasons kick off, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal how much Australians are spending on sports betting – the fastest growing gambling segment. ...
Pubs and hotels struggle to absorb increased wage costs
Pubs and hotels have been forced to slash employee working hours and reduce trading times to help cover mandatory wage increases implemented in 2011, according to a recent study.
Tourism and the power of social media
We tweet, review, Facebook and tag. We are increasingly turning to social media, even when we are travelling or on holidays.
Midscale hospitality websites rate higher than alternatives
Users of hospitality and tourism websites feel those which offer experiences somewhere between budget and high-end are providing the most satisfying results, according to a new report. ...
Lions rugby tour a 'fantastic opportunity' for Australian tourism
Hospitality and tourism operators are set for a major boost when more fans travel on the next British and Irish Lions tour of Australia than ever before, according to Tourism Australia ...
Awareness of hospitality trends important for small businesses
For hospitality operators, keeping abreast of latest trends and influences on the way people search for products or services is of paramount concern.
Australians turn to social media for dining and entertainment advice
Hospitality businesses take note - when it comes to gathering information and advice about what to eat and where to go, Australians increasingly look online rather than engage in ...
Asian visitors boost tourist numbers
While the number of international visitors to Australia has dipped in recent times, an influx of Asian tourists is helping to offset the overall downward trend.
Australians fail to recognise safe alcohol consumption guidelines
New research indicates most Australians continue to remain unconvinced about the dangers of heavy drinking, despite the presence of national alcohol guidelines aimed at improving ...
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