Bar Equipment & Barware Feature Articles

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Olympics "feel good factor" fails to boost UK retailers
The London 2012 Olympic Games has failed to lift the nation's retailers, who suffered last month as Britons stayed at home to watch the event, an industry survey shows.
Tourist market from SE Asia set to grow
Tourism from Indonesia and Malaysia is expected to rapidly rise by 2015, while the number Australians holidaying overseas is showing signs of easing, a survey has found.
Father's Day spending forecast to fall flat in 2012
Expect dads to continue to be forgotten this Father's Day as families opt for cheaper gifts including gift cards, books and modest family dining, despite increasing consumer confidence. ...
Mental stigma? Workers less likely to claim for psychological illness
Research has found workers are significantly less likely to claim GP visits for psychological illnesses on workers' compensation than they are for physical work-related injuries such ...
'Healthy' and 'natural' lead soft drink launches
New product activity in soft drinks appears to be accelerating strongly again, with rising levels of global launch activity recorded by Innova Market Insights over the past two years ...
Double pay 'crippling small business'
Independent senator Nick Xenophon will attempt to change workplace laws over double-time weekend wages he says are crippling small businesses that can no longer afford to stay open ...
Melbourne named world's most liveable city
Melbourne has claimed gold as the world's most liveable city – with its thriving cafe and bar scene once again to the fore – but Sydney has lost its status as Australia's second most ...
Consumer behaviour in wine selection a complex science
The average consumer takes only forty seconds to pick a bottle of wine off the shelf. But what goes into making that decision?
Alcohol-fuelled violence at the top of discussions
A family friend of slain teenager Thomas Kelly says young people's attitude towards alcohol is the cause of violence on the streets of Sydney's Kings Cross.
Lollipops no answer to the Cross's problems
The debate over street violence in Kings Cross has descended into farce with council recommendations to hand out lollipops to patrons as they listen to "wind-down" music.
World's best: Australia a big winner from travel and leisure survey
Australia is the place to be - just ask respondents to the Travel + Leisure 2012 World's Best Awards readers' survey.
Tassie songwriter emerges to promote Aust tourism
When a new commercial promoting Australian tourism was launched last month featuring the music of Dewayne Everettsmith, the question most were left asking was: "Who the bloody hell ...
Tough times for north Queensland tourist towns
When Doug Calvert closed the doors of his four Port Douglas shops for the final time, he did so with a heavy heart.
Australians urged to embrace domestic travel
Australians are being encouraged to help grow the tourism industry by holidaying at home and exploring the nation's unique range of travel experiences.
 NYC ban on big sodas could face legal test
If New York City bans big sodas, what's next on the list? Large slices of pizza? Double-scoop ice cream cones? Tubs of movie-theatre popcorn? The 16-ounce strip steak?
Tourism Australia's latest campaign proving big internet hit
The latest version of Tourism Australia's "There's nothing like Australia" global campaign is off to an impressive start with the signature ad receiving more than eight million views ...
Improving accuracy in roadside breath testing
Police officers use a variety of field sobriety tests to evaluate a driver's level of impairment.
Alcohol energy drinks spark concern
The parents of a Melbourne schoolgirl who died suddenly after consuming alcoholic energy drinks at a party want answers.
Hotel closures reduce alcohol-related crime
Deakin University's gambling expert, professor Linda Hancock has called on Victorian regulators to draw on the latest research from NSW which shows 3am closures of hotels reduced ...
Appalling number of drunks get served in bars
More young people are being asked to leave NSW pubs when they're drunk, figures show, but licensed premises continue to serve an "appalling" number of intoxicated people.
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