Cleaning, Laundry & Housekeeping Feature Articles

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Quasi-hotels must be banned: AAA
Quasi-hotels should be banned under reforms to the regulation of short-term holiday letting in NSW.
Hotel industry giving young people a go
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry recently congratulated the Australian Hotels Association for its public commitment to create up to 10,000 opportunities through the ...
Growth predictions promote business confidence
Australia's accommodation industry is encouraged by new figures which are forecasting strong growth for tourism in the next decade.
Uneven playing field in regional Australia for accommodation: AAA
Sharing economy platforms, such as Airbnb, are exploiting regulatory loopholes to take business away from compliant operators of tourism accommodation businesses in regional Australia. ...
Continued visitor growth leads to further investment
Growth in the number of international visitors travelling to regional Australia is welcome, according to the accommodation industry.
How to create a boutique hotel that works
There's something quite romantic about the notion of boutique hotels; something softer and more intimate than any image conjured up by the mega chain hotels.
How global trends are impacting hospitality
Do you keep one eye on hospitality developments across the world? It sure pays to these days as the industry is now evolving almost as fast as technology.
Accommodation industry: online travel agency duolopy must be broken
The accommodation industry is calling on Australia's competition regulator to re-examine the issue of concentration in the online travel agency market.
How to deal with a negative online review
It’s enough to make you cry. There you are slaving day and night to build a popular, profitable business and some stranger writes a few harsh words that can undo everything. And ...
Financial stress highest in the accommodation & food services industry
Financial stress is now a fact of life for more than one in four Australian workers who say they have low confidence in their financial position and find it difficult to make ends ...
How your hotel can gain business through mobile technology
Love it or hate it, mobile technology is in our pockets, purses, hands and faces everywhere we go.
Accommodation industry warns safety issues in NSW short-term letting
The accommodation industry is warning the safety of domestic and international visitors could be compromised by proposed changes to the regulation of short-term letting in NSW.
Backpacker tax changes to benefit regional Australia
Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, the Hon. Keith Pitt MP, said proposed improvements to the way working holiday makers (backpackers) are taxed will provide ...
Tourism industry backs push for Senate inquiry into holiday tax hike
The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has applauded the Federal Labor Opposition’s move for a Senate inquiry into the backpacker tax package including the plan to hike the ...
Backpacker changes give with one hand but take with the other
While some changes to the working holiday maker program announced by the Government today are welcome the overall impact of the measures will be a damaging brake on tourism, Australia’s ...
Fair Work reaches out to Korean community on workplace rights
Persistent underpayment matters involving Korean visa-holders have prompted the Fair Work Ombudsman to reach out to the Korean business community.
5 Great Hotels and Why they’re Great
What makes a hotel great? Well, a great hotel offers something out of the box; something extraordinary that goes far beyond a nice meal and good night’s sleep.
$59bn overnight spend a strong result for the domestic visitor economy
The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has welcomed the latest national visitor survey by Tourism Research Australia that shows another strong financial year performance with ...
ABS data shows underemployment now the norm
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is urging the Federal Government to take drastic action on the decline of full-time permanent jobs in Australia.
Holiday makers to WA on the rise
The number of Australians choosing to travel to WA for holiday and business is on the rise, and West Australians are making up the majority of overnight stays.
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