Point of Sale, AV & Technology Feature Articles

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Father's Day spending forecast to fall flat in 2012
Expect dads to continue to be forgotten this Father's Day as families opt for cheaper gifts including gift cards, books and modest family dining, despite increasing consumer confidence. ...
'Healthy' and 'natural' lead soft drink launches
New product activity in soft drinks appears to be accelerating strongly again, with rising levels of global launch activity recorded by Innova Market Insights over the past two years ...
Study finds eco-labels "overwhelming" for firms and customers
The practice of eco-labelling may be on the brink of saturation point and is becoming as confusing for companies as it is for consumers, a major new study has warned.
The rise and rise of private labels
Currently accounting for just over one-quarter of total supermarket sales, business information research firm IBISWorld forecasts the share of private-label products will increase ...
Supermarkets are not just for groceries anymore
Sales of prepared foods and ready-to-eat foods at retail will reach $32.45 billion in 2012, up 7.5 per cent from 2011, according to Prepared Foods and Ready-to-Eat Foods at Retail, ...
Consumer behaviour in wine selection a complex science
The average consumer takes only forty seconds to pick a bottle of wine off the shelf. But what goes into making that decision?
PHAA scorecard on new National Food Plan Green Paper
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has set out the criteria on which it will evaluate the National Food Plan Green Paper released recently at a breakfast launch in ...
Tough times for north Queensland tourist towns
When Doug Calvert closed the doors of his four Port Douglas shops for the final time, he did so with a heavy heart.
 NYC ban on big sodas could face legal test
If New York City bans big sodas, what's next on the list? Large slices of pizza? Double-scoop ice cream cones? Tubs of movie-theatre popcorn? The 16-ounce strip steak?
Appalling number of drunks get served in bars
More young people are being asked to leave NSW pubs when they're drunk, figures show, but licensed premises continue to serve an "appalling" number of intoxicated people.
Calling time on alcohol taxation in Australia
Alcohol is a prime target for taxation.
What's trending now? New product innovations make their mark
In the always changing snack food industry, a number of products have emerged recently that appear to be the next big consumer favourites for businesses to consider.
Dutch weed ban to affect foreign tourists at coffee shops
This country of canals and tulips is also famous for 'coffee shops' where joints and cappuccinos share the menu.
How cybercriminals are infecting networks and stealing data undetected
A leading data security specialist has outlined its top recommendations and insights for protecting against and containing sophisticated malware and targeted attacks - advice that ...
The new "key" to hotel sustainability
Building on almost two decades of sustainable development, hotel group Accor is aiming to take its commitment to sustainability to a higher level with the launch of PLANET 21, a ...
Farmers' markets prove a growing food source
The sustainable growth of Australia's farmers' market movement has been highlighted in a recent report, released by Australia's Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Joe Ludwig.
Pubs and hotels struggle to absorb increased wage costs
Pubs and hotels have been forced to slash employee working hours and reduce trading times to help cover mandatory wage increases implemented in 2011, according to a recent study.
The global trend of rising hotel room rates set to continue
Worldwide hotel room rates may be set to rise further in 2012 if the upward trend from last year continues to gain momentum.
Will removal of immediate ATM access influence gambling habits?
A study is underway to determine the effectiveness of Victorian legislation that will lead to the removal of ATMs from most gambling venues with poker machines.
Tourism and the power of social media
We tweet, review, Facebook and tag. We are increasingly turning to social media, even when we are travelling or on holidays.
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