Entertainment & Outdoor Feature Articles

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Rodents the number one reputational risk for businesses this winter
Following our first cold snap, leading pest control experts Rentokil urges business owners to be vigilant of rodent infestations to prevent reputation backlash and physical damage ...
Counting the cost of everyday living
With the cost of living constantly on the rise, business information analysts at IBISWorld highlight just where those price spikes are hitting hard – and why.
Sydney's Broadway makeover 'not just physical'
You might have noticed a few construction sites or caught a glimpse of some new skyscrapers on Broadway, but there are even more dramatic changes afoot in Sydney's southern CBD.
Online industries posting astronomical growth
Over the past decade, Australia's increasing reliance on new technologies has brought with it forecasts for the demise of many industries.
Aussie tourists spend big on US trips
A record number of bargain-hunting Australians armed with credit cards and wallets stuffed with cash have been flying to the US and spending big.
Brits vote Australia 'Best Country in the World'
Australia has been voted the "Best Country in the World" by readers of one of the UK's top luxury travel magazines.
Digital gambling a risk for young people
When Lauren Salerno saw a pokies ad pop up on a popular children's game her six-year-old was playing on her iPad, the alarm bells went off.
Risky business: new study seeks to probe gambling mindset
Problem gambling imposes serious costs on the community but we understand surprisingly little about how individuals perceive the risks associated with gambling.
Footy fever kickstarts a hospitality boom
Following the recent kick-off of the AFL, rugby league and rugby union seasons, business analysts are anticipating a strong season for the hospitality sector on the back of the ...
Social media decreases loneliness for older adults
Social media can be an effective tool for decreasing loneliness for older Australians according to new research conducted at the University of Sydney.
Christchurch a blueprint for tourism operators
Weather weary tourism operators and tourist destinations in Queensland can take a leaf from the Christchurch recovery book as they put a summer of cyclones, storms and flood behind ...
Aussies opt for a 'back-to-basics' Easter in 2013
According to business information analysts at IBISWorld, it's back to the barbie this Easter as more Aussies opt for traditional celebrations at home and confectionery gifts over ...
Penalty rates: a kick in the guts for service industry employers
The Prime Minister's announcement to an ACTU Summit that the Gillard government will legislate to lock-in Australian penalty rates is a kick in the guts to small service industry ...
Tourism teamwork for post-Olympic economic success in UK
Launching a two day exhibition that brought together hospitality business owners and providers across the South, Deirdre Wells OBE, head of tourism at The Department of Culture, ...
Customer loyalty, value the key for restaurant sector
A recent report on the US restaurant industry from global information firm, NPD Group, offers some insight for Australian restaurant operators on coming trends for the sector.
NYC soda size rule eyed from coffee shops to clubs
At barbecue joints, coffee counters and bottle-service nightclubs, a coming clampdown on big, sugary soft drinks is beginning to take shape on tables and menus in a city that thrives ...
Economic recovery through government tourism investment in England
Officially opening the two-day Hotel & Catering Show 2013 (H&CS) recently, Deirdre Wells OBE, Head of Tourism for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), set the agenda ...
'Trying to reclaim' ALP's Rooty Hill roots
Walk from Rooty Hill train station to the suburb's renowned RSL club and you'll pass utes parked on the front lawns of brick and tile houses, vege patches in back gardens and an ...
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
Fizzies, fries using top sports to sell
New Zealand's top televised sports are being used to flog unhealthy food and drink and sponsors are getting through to children, researchers say.
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