Bar Equipment & Barware Feature Articles

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Calling chefs, pubs, bars, cafes, food producers to Good Food Month
Australia's biggest food festival, which last year attracted more than 1.5 million people, will be even bigger in 2014 with Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra to be joined by Brisbane ...
South Australia's top chefs pass on their knowledge to apprentices
Over the last month some of South Australia's top chefs have been volunteering their time to teach apprentice chefs from metro and regional establishments.
Illegal letting hurts tourism
The accommodation industry is calling for a clamp-down on illegal letting of premises for tourism accommodation, following the release of the outcomes of a NSW Parliamentary inquiry ...
Zeroing in on food waste
Australia wastes 7.3 million tonnes of food a year, with Australian households responsible for dumping more than half of that: about 4.1 million tonnes or around 9kg of food from ...
Missed the 28 February quarterly BAS deadline? The ATO can help
Most businesses lodge and pay on time with over 1.3 million BAS lodgements received by the due date for the last quarter.
New measures rolled out to target drug and alcohol fuelled violence
Minister for Police and Emergency Services Michael Gallacher recently said that police will be working closely with the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing as the government rolls ...
Accommodation industry strongly opposes bed tax proposal
The accommodation industry has criticised a proposal by the Gold Coast mayor that a tax on visitors to the city should be introduced.
Planning for timely, accurate BAS lodgement
"With the next quarterly BAS due on 28 February, Australian businesses need to plan for timely and accurate lodgement, even if there is nothing to report or the business may not be ...
'It's On' in Newcastle and The Hunter
Member for Newcastle, Tim Owen, recently launched the It's ON! in Newcastle and The Hunter campaign, showcasing an impressive calendar of events coming up in the region during February ...
New report suggests bright future for Australian hotel market
It is the report hotel owners and operators around Australia need, and want, to see – the latest analysis of the accommodation industry by Dransfield predicting positive outcomes ...
Business as usual for Melbourne's iconic Great Britain Hotel
Richmond's longstanding Great Britain Hotel, or GB as it is more affectionately known, is changing management but it won't be changing anything else.
Liquor store campaign results reveal breaches in award provisions
Dozens of liquor stores across NSW have been inadvertently underpaying workers their minimum lawful entitlements, a report released Thursday, 13 February 2014, by the Fair Work ...
Research suggests many travellers don't enjoy their holiday
Latest Galaxy poll research reveals that holiday-makers come home unhappy, tired, and feel their holiday choice has been 'compromised'.
Big spike in small business contacts to competition regulator
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has launched the latest 'Small Business in Focus' report which outlines its work in the sector.
Lovers pick premium this Valentine's Day
This Valentine's Day, smitten couples will splash out on fine dining and premium floral arrangements to celebrate their union, say business information analysts at IBISWorld.
Accommodation sector welcomes tough new NSW liquor laws
The accommodation sector welcomes new liquor laws introduced into NSW by the O'Farrell government, in particular his singling out of tourism accommodation venues for exemption from ...
Australians really are the biggest losers
Australians gamble - and lose - more than anyone else on a per-person basis, according to a new report cited in the latest edition of The Economist.
Recruitment firm joins Fair Work Ombudsman in quest for compliance
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Australia) is the latest major employer to join with the Fair Work Ombudsman in a partnership aimed at achieving best practice in its workplace.
New reforms passed by parliament for NSW liquor regulation
On Tuesday 21 January 2014, NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell announced a comprehensive package of initiatives to reduce alcohol and drug related violence.
Open Colleges announces TAFE-accredited Diploma of Hospitality
A skills shortage in the hospitality industry provides opportunity to launch new education and training courses, according to online vocational education institute Open Colleges.
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