Point of Sale, AV & Technology Feature Articles

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Penalty rates: a kick in the guts for service industry employers
The Prime Minister's announcement to an ACTU Summit that the Gillard government will legislate to lock-in Australian penalty rates is a kick in the guts to small service industry ...
Economic recovery through government tourism investment in England
Officially opening the two-day Hotel & Catering Show 2013 (H&CS) recently, Deirdre Wells OBE, Head of Tourism for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), set the agenda ...
'Trying to reclaim' ALP's Rooty Hill roots
Walk from Rooty Hill train station to the suburb's renowned RSL club and you'll pass utes parked on the front lawns of brick and tile houses, vege patches in back gardens and an ...
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
Fizzies, fries using top sports to sell
New Zealand's top televised sports are being used to flog unhealthy food and drink and sponsors are getting through to children, researchers say.
Unpaid work schemes: exploitation or experience?
The Fair Work Ombudsman has announced a new focus on educating employers and employees about the legitimacy of schemes for unpaid work experience.
Internships deserve thought, but are not all bad
The academic report on unpaid work and internships for the Fair Work Ombudsman deserves considered thought, but there should be no rush to judgement or knee jerk responses by the ...
Urgent action needed to curb problem gambling among young people
There has been a rapid rise in problem gambling among young men driven by dramatic growth in online sports betting, adding to the urgency for the federal government to protect ...
'Digital bathroom mirror' tech closer to reality
It may seem like something from science fiction, but pretty soon you'll be reading your favourite newspaper in a digital device embedded in your bathroom mirror and then polish off ...
Asia and the Pacific among most 'open' for travel Visas
New UNWTO research on Visa facilitation shows that Asia and the Pacific and the Americas are the most 'open' regions in terms of tourist Visa requirements.
Are you still wasting time with year-end reviews?
Nowadays managing people in an organisation is becoming harder than ever, and it is evident that without effective management of people, there is no way to achieve organisational ...
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
Sustainability and the modern hospitality manager
There are many things which need to be considered when deciding which products to stock in a venue.
Pollution down, waste recycling up in NSW: report
The latest environment report card for NSW shows public transport use is up and air pollution is down but the state's biodiversity is falling.
Leftover app: startup idea a new angle on creativity in the kitchen
UTS student Emma Earley took on one of the great dilemmas of domestic existence – what to do with leftovers – when she and other UTS Creative Intelligence interns pitched ideas to ...
The average Australian: now, and in 2025
Forget beer-swilling sports nuts – we're a nation of urban-dwelling, eco-conscious bargain hunters.
Industries to fly and fall in 2013
As Australian companies prepare for the New Year ahead, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the five industries expected to soar and the five expected to sink in 2013. ...
New Year's resolutions mean big bucks for some
As the New Year approaches, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to cash in – or lose out – on our good intentions for 2013.
Staff summer breaks and 'increased productivity'
Take time out for a break this Christmas, even if it's only a short break.
Penny Wong most trusted to babysit the nation's children
Looking for a babysitter this Christmas? Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Penny Wong, is the politician Aussies would most trust to look after their children, according to new ...
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