Point of Sale, AV & Technology Feature Articles

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Return to surplus in 12 months achievable: Liberal Democratic Party
The Liberal Democratic Party has released its own federal budget in an attempt to demonstrate that a return to surplus can be achieved in the next 12 months without harming the ...
Australian Made appears before Senate Committee on food labelling
The Australian Made Campaign has appeared before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture and Industry to give evidence to the committee's inquiry into the ...
Is Melbourne Australia's retail and hospitality capital?
Melbourne remains at the top of the country's shopping and dining game, according to data compiled at the end of 2013 that the city hopes will help drive its economy forward for the ...
Vacation exchange provider introduces online resort reviews
Worldwide vacation exchange provider, DAE, has teamed up with timeshareAdvisor to introduce a new online platform for DAE members to write and read reviews of exchange resorts.
China 'impressed' with Australian tourism offering
An exclusive event hosted by the Accommodation Association of Australia (AAA) and the National Tourism Alliance saw Chinese and Australian tourism industry representatives have come ...
Gen X, Y consumers choose brands that support a cause
More than three million Australians switched from their normal product or service to another brand last year because the alternative brand supported a cause or charity.
Red tape reduction welcomed by hotel industry
Australian Hotels Association NSW has welcomed the passing of the Social Services and Other Legislation Bill which will reduce red tape and duplication as well as introducing a ...
Pay at Table app to deliver 'seamless experience' for restaurants
PayPal Australia has announced the arrival of its Pay at Table feature to its popular mobile application, enabling customers to pay simply and easily for their restaurant bills. The ...
Missed the 28 February quarterly BAS deadline? The ATO can help
Most businesses lodge and pay on time with over 1.3 million BAS lodgements received by the due date for the last quarter.
Planning for timely, accurate BAS lodgement
"With the next quarterly BAS due on 28 February, Australian businesses need to plan for timely and accurate lodgement, even if there is nothing to report or the business may not be ...
Mobile scanning, payment 'could' lead to increased stock loss
A report released today by Efficient Consumer Response Australasia (ECRA) highlights the significant security challenges for the retail industry stemming from smartphone technology. ...
QR codes a 'threat' to internet security
Internet security experts from Murdoch University have raised concerns about the growing use of Quick Response codes, also known as QR codes.
Manhattan Associates predicts retail trends to watch in 2014
Global Supply Chain Commerce Solutions provider, Manhattan Associates, has released its predictions for the retail industry in 2014.
Global bread market focuses on wholegrain, fibre claims
Tracked bread launch numbers have generally continued to rise globally and within that, products using health claims of some kind made up over 42 per cent of the total in 2013.
Lovers pick premium this Valentine's Day
This Valentine's Day, smitten couples will splash out on fine dining and premium floral arrangements to celebrate their union, say business information analysts at IBISWorld.
Australians really are the biggest losers
Australians gamble - and lose - more than anyone else on a per-person basis, according to a new report cited in the latest edition of The Economist.
Open Colleges announces TAFE-accredited Diploma of Hospitality
A skills shortage in the hospitality industry provides opportunity to launch new education and training courses, according to online vocational education institute Open Colleges.
Not paying tax a dangerous game for small businesses
The recent report that the ATO is chasing a back-log of $18 billion in debt, with small business tax payers accounting for more than 60 per cent of outstanding debt, should ring ...
Tax tips for Australian hospitality businesses
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a new campaign to help Australian businesses meet their tax obligations.
'One and only' AAA aims for STAR Rating effectiveness
The news of the winding up of AAA Tourism (not AAA) and a management change of the Star Ratings scheme has caused confusion within the accommodation sector, but at the Accommodation ...
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